CEO’s update
The first part of 2021 has been difficult for all, but here at WasteAid it feels as if things are moving in the right...
WasteAid awarded EU funding for climate resilience in The Gambia
A new EU-funded partnership project between INGO WasteAid, Kanifing Municipal Council and Women’s Initiative The Gambia. Food waste will be separated by market...
Partnerships are key: a Q&A with our CEO
Corin Williams, Editor of MRW, interviewed WasteAid’s Chief Executive, Ceris Turner-Bailes. CW: You joined WasteAid just a few weeks into the first lockdown. What...
Bunzl plc and WasteAid to close the loop on plastic waste in Douala, Cameroon
PRESS RELEASE Thirty young unemployed people will secure long-term jobs in the green economy Collecting and recycling 8 tonnes of plastic waste will...
Waste Management and Development – Supporting People and Planet
At WasteAid, we work with communities and policy makers in low and middle-income countries to implement waste management and recycling programmes. Our work improves...
Growing WaRM for climate resilience in Africa
WasteAid‘s senior technical advisor and head of communications, Zoë Lenkiewicz, says waste and resource management (‘WaRM’) has an important role in building climate resilience...