Support Us
We are facing a waste crisis on an unprecedented scale. This isn’t someone else’s problem. We must come together tact now to reduce the global consequences of toxic waste burning in streets and flowing our rivers and seas.
We are facing a waste crisis on an unprecedented scale. This isn’t someone else’s problem. We must come together tact now to reduce the global consequences of toxic waste burning in streets and flowing our rivers and seas.
WasteAid’s programmes are proven to deliver direct improvements to the communities where we’re active. With your support, we will expand our reach to even more vulnerable communities around the world. Bringing together the right people, with the right support to deliver sustained waste management solutions. Your support is critical to helping to empower communities to turn waste into revenue by sparking green business initiatives.
We’re committed to increasing the number of wastepreneurs we support each year. We need to raise £1,000,000 in the next two years to continue delivering our connected approach to waste management and support even more communities on their waste management mission.
The valued support of trust and foundations is essential to WasteAid’s future. We welcome flexible donations or project-specific support.
Find out MorePartnering with WasteAid is a great way to support your ESG activity while bringing teams together to support an inspiring cause
Find out MoreWe welcome all levels of giving from individual fund raising to leaving a legacy.
Find out MoreFor every £1 donated to WasteAid, 86p goes directly to funding our projects, and just 14p is used for governance, administration and raising the next £1.
Your support helps us run critical programmes with the communities most in need of our help. Here are just some examples of the impact WasteAid can make with your donations:
Empowering waste collectors through mentoring, training, and investment. Supports a 12-week course for 15 people that delivers sustained environmental, economic, and health benefits to the community.
Enabling the collection of up to 70 Kg of plastic waste each day – the equivalent of 1,650 plastic bottles through training, equipping, and supporting 10 waste collectors.
Working with community sustainability champions at each stage of the waste management lifecycle to deliver lasting improvements. Introducing waste management infrastructure, educating and up-skilling and equipping community members to reduce plastic, organic, and electronic waste.
We’re grateful to everyone who has supported WasteAid in our mission to empower communities to better manage their waste.
Learn more about the organisations who have supported our vital work: